Saturday, November 18, 2006

Questions, Multifarious

Where are we, human beings as a race, heading to? Agree with me or not, all of us are solipsistic. Perhaps not in all walks of life, but many facets of our existence subscribe to our solipsistic outlook. Humans have the sharpest cognitive faculty on earth. We are, in essence, the supreme animals of the planet. But what good has this evolution done to us? We (people who are reading this blog) strive to live a decent life. We are so absorbed in our pursuits in life that have we ever wondered why we are doing what we are doing. Intellectual gratification, one might say. So what? We achieve our present goals, and then what? We’ll have newer responsibilities and newer goals. How long will this go on? What is the end result of this? I had a wonderful family re-union last week. I yearn for those times now. So why did I leave my home in the first place? Why do we have to lead a life which prevents us from living as nature intended us to? In order to enjoy the good times, you need to have bad times and to relax, you need to be stressed, one will say. Why do we even need to be hedonistic in the first place?

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.?

What I fail to understand is that where are our intellectual pursuits leading us to. Weren’t we meant to live gregariously? This whole advent of technology, a outcome of our brilliant minds, has only succeeded in alienating us. Do I really need e-mail or orkut or IM to stay in touch with someone? All day long we work assiduously only to be yearning for the weekends. And when the weekend arrives, we complain about how TV is so boring and how expensive the cinemas are and how no good movies are being made. Why do we need to always keep doing something? Why is it so difficult to give oneself company or to seek company of others? Why do so many social barriers, taboos and stigmas arise? The whole issue of solipsism and intellectual superiority comes into picture here. Have you ever wondered how animals live their lives? They have only two basic instincts: procreation and survival. And yeah they are dumb right? So what? I think animals are much happier. I’ve never seen them take medication for depression or brood over boring TV or downed servers or internet non-connectivity. What good are we to this earth when we are only destroying the ecosystem, breeding all over the place and usurping other species’ habitats and driving them to extinction? Is our being extant so important when we are only distancing ourselves from each other?

So are we a function of our cognitive acumen or masters of our own minds? I think we are intellectually damned. Please don’t mistake me. I love what I am doing. But I keep wondering about one thing. Why. The reason for our existence has been pondered since eons. That is not what I am interested in nor am I wasting time worrying about it. We are here and so what about it? Did nature intend that we decimate its secrets? I guess not. But still, what after we do that? Will we, being omnipotent, fight amongst ourselves and drive ourselves to extinction? By becoming immortal, what will we pursue next?

It all comes back to running in circles. What goes round will come around. Sang-froid. Cacophony. A vicious circle then, my nihilism.

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