Friday, November 24, 2006

Guess who?

Life’s a drone
And my best friend doesn’t answer her phone!
Where art thou, (talking to the recorded voice)
I ask in an exasperated tone.
And suddenly I reflect upon the fact
That how much we’ve grown
Since 4 years ago, the seeds of friendship had been sown.
(There were three of us, actually, like a trikone)

She is bubbly, vivacious and confident
But at times, a little adamant
her laughter is infectious
No wonder her fervor is contagious!
She is also very persevering
A quality which, as a researcher, makes her very endearing

I admire her outlook towards life
A no-nonsense, take it as it comes approach and no strife.
Her anger is ephemeral
As much as she is spiritual.
Very straight forward and looks you in the eye
Her warmth very comforting; and I know she will never leave me high and dry.

Oh well no one is perfect
She has what one would call in singular, a defect!
She does get impulsive
But that does not make her repulsive!!
On the contrary, it is her ruthlessness and clinical approach to things
That has led her to bigger and better winnings.

Of all her qualities that are Laudable
It is her Assertiveness that is indispensable.
Her Vivaciousness has already been alluded to
Exuberance and EQ almost complete the milieu.
Oh! I forgot Trustworthy and probably naïve at times
I thank God for our Adorable friendship and hope that this rhymes!


Anonymous said...

That was a very flattering but beautiful description of your friend. She seems like a really sweet person ;). You have given a very insightful description of her. Since you have realized that she is impulsive but naive, I hope you can work out minor diferences with her if they ever come up so that you can be friends forever.

Unknown said...

anonymous is very clever and insightful.I must say. Friends forever. sounds kewl. Mazaa aa jayega....nai?

Smitten said...

Hmm....I wonder who that "sweet" yet "ruthless" friend of yours is! :P