Sunday, November 05, 2006

On par: Don

I watched Don. Finally. What a movie!! SRK rocks. Agreed, the plot has a few fallacies and that the entire Jasjit sequence could be done without and that Karreina was inadequate in comparison with Helen and that the choreography lacked imagination and rhythm and that SRK hams as Vijay and that Om Puri is wasted. Agreed. But all of it con’don’ed. For two reasons: SRK and Farhan’s style. SRK as Don is fantastic and Farhan’s attention to detail and story telling are fantastic. FA tackles the Indian censor and SRKs smoking habits very ingeniously. (You gotta watch it guys). The story is very different from the old Don and frankly, it is unwise to compare the two versions. Don’t do it. Amitabh’s portrayal was a revelation in those times. SRKs portrayal of Don is very different and accordingly apt. The twists in the plot are quite good too. We all have to remember that this is just an adaptation of the older version. That movie was very slick, anachronistic, and had characters which were very unorthodox for Indian cinema. Don 2 is pretty unorthodox too for several reasons too: it is a smart commercial film; the attention to detail (Don having manicured nails and Vijay having callused hands etc) is immaculate; not much sentiment; apt use of technology and not an overdose of it; clean, subtle humor et al, unlike most commercial Hindi cinema.

The Donnas in the movie are ok too. If all of us are fed up of SRKs hamming as a lover boy a’don’is, lets par’don’ him. He is phenomenal in portraying negative characters. So I recommend you guys to watch it. Probably at the risk of being hedonistic.

I toast some char’don’nay to don.

1 comment:

Imran said...

Hey bhai...

Don is really a treat to watch if you are a die-hard SRK fan and who acknowledge innovative movie sure directors planning to make a remake should take a leaf out of FA's book coz it is really not a dull rehash of an old classic needed some originality on the whole and which the movie aptly provides.The best thing was SRK did not try to emulate the Iconic Mr.Bachhan.He made the character "Don" more evil and more stylised, giving it a trademark SRK touch..and tarun,good that you emphasized on a point...DO NOT COMPARE...thats were people are losing the plot..I would rather advice people to watch it like just any other sure they would appreciate the novelty this movie offers you!!