Thursday, June 19, 2008

proving the point

There are people who will go to great lengths to make their point. Quite pointless I would say. But obviously not for them. I have tried to understand such pointers (as in characters) but needless to say, I haven't been able to grasp the mental make up which leads to such annoying behavior. Such behavior stems from low self-esteem and inferiority complexes, is what I think. People often tend to forget (or maybe not) how irritating they can be in the process of all this pointing and poking, often pushing others to their tipping point! At this point in the blog, I think I am having a lot of fun with the word point ( this is besides the point I am trying to make..uh oh..I am one of them! but the blog is still short at this point!!). So coming back to where such behavior stems from. Although the above maybe true, a superiority complex, or a overinflated ego (which might burst from a pointed object) or plain ignorance might be the reasons as well. So what really is the point I am trying to make. I've written about this in my previous blogs and I think it is a thought which often comes to my mind: I've never understood why people feel very strongly about something inconsequential and try and force their agenda's on others. It is easier to agree to disagree rather than just disagree.

Are you now thinking ' so why is he going to great lengths to prove his point?'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I learnt this very lesson very recently - you don't have to have an opinion on everything - it is easier to listen and accept and not counter everything that everyone says - so thanks for reiterating that!