Friday, April 18, 2008


This is going to be a quick blog. So I am watching TV and see a commercial for something which says, buy this and you will get a 'free' gift. Like seriously?? Since when did one start paying for gifts. This is like saying Karan Johar is gay. Well, duh. The next commercial which came up was for Viagra. Well if you want to sell the drug, why are you showing old men fending trees and playing golf? Show a woman exhausted after a great night. Wouldn't that make a better point? Also, why are all of Abercrombie's models semi-nude? Aren't they primarily a clothes store? Again, why do commercials for cosmetics feature the most good looking models? Aren't they the guys who don't need make-up or is the point that if they need it, you need it too? I think ( and so does Darren Hayes) that the cosmetic industry promotes low self-esteem.

Just another one of my musings.


Unknown said...

Botchtti said...

so... looks like u are on track as of now....

waise u do know i like reading what u write despite the SOH :D

Unknown said...

good to have you back on a roll!!