Sunday, April 15, 2007

Children of heaven

Today's kids are being raised in a world which is replete with information. The peer pressure is immense, there is a information overload and the world is not a safe place anymore.

I (we) grew up in environs which were radically different. The streets and playgrounds were safe, TV was only for Sunday mornings , cricket, hide-n-seek and marbles the order of the summer holidays and video games were non-existent. We had so much physical exercise just by enjoying ourselves.

But today's kids are under tremendous pressure to perform. When I grew up, there was more parental pressure than peer-pressure; competition was more intellectual than materialistic. Today, every kid is smart. They have to be and parents make sure their kid doesn't lose the rat -race so as not to lose face.

It is hard for kids to stay grounded now. They are innocent, but not childlike anymore. TV, a hectic lifestyle and a suddenly-burgeoning economy are to blame.

I hope that we realize that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child's spirit.

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