Sunday, December 03, 2006


I sit here staring at the screen, trying to think about something to write. I can think of nothing. Nothing at all. I’ve collected a few ideas but I cannot gather enough thoughts to produce a decent chunk of writing. I guess I have blogger’s block. A strange ailment. Writer’s block is a serious issue because the writer’s livelihood most probably depends on it. In the case of a blog, I want to write, but I can’t think of what to blog about. A suggestion I give myself is ‘write about something you feel strongly’. Unfortunately I only feel the ground strongly beneath me. I am no geologist to comment about it now, am I? Jokes apart, really, there is not much I feel strongly about. I am laid back. It is something I’ve gotten from being a Hyderabadi. But coming back to feeling strongly about things. I cannot understand or rather cannot identify with people who take stands on various mundane things in life. I simply cannot. It sometimes scares me. But what does taking stances actually imply? To me it indicates that a person is very set in their ways, highly opinionated and plastic in thought. Being extremely laid back is not good either. You will literally get laid. Be used as a doormat. So does being ambivalent mean you are someone who is unreliable because they can change their mind? I don’t think so. It means you are a rational person who is willing to listen to others and evaluate their point of view before taking a stand. So what is it that I am getting at? I don’t know. These are random thoughts I am typing out as I watch CSI on TV. A pathetic show, I must say. But I will not argue with you if you said you liked it. In the last two weeks India lost all their ODIs to SA. A pathetic show they put up. I wonder how tired Dravid must be from repeating all the lies like ‘we had a lot to learn from this game’ or ‘there were a number of positives we can take from this game’ et al. What a bunch of bullshit. Poor guy can’t even say that none of his boys have the fire in the belly to go out there and fight for a victory. He simply cannot. Greg Chappel’s made the entire team into some kind of a corporate set up. For God’s sake Greg! It is a game and it has to be played like one. You are making it monkey business. But I have a lot of faith in the men in blue. Salvation lies in breaking the Dravid- Chappell combination. Great mind thinks alike and that is precisely why they need to be separated. Because it leads to a stagnation of thought. I don’t think anyone apart from Sachin, Kumble and Dravid even follow the coach’s ideas. It is here that someone needs to take a stand!

On a musical note, the music of Guru rocks. Waah Guru Waah. ARR rocks. Jaage Hain and Barso Re reflect his pure genius. He finally uses Shreya Ghoshal : emphatically. Her voice modulations are fantastic. Jaage hain is sheer genius. Starting off with chitra’s crystal clear voice, the song goes through 4 octaves. As is his wont, ARR sings the best songs himself. He has a slight nasal tone in this album, which adds to the rustic feel of the period film. Maan gaye Guru.

I watched stranger than fiction. It was a very nice movie. A good story line, a subdued Will Farrell ,and fine acting make it a good watch. I have decided to buy the DVD of this film. That’s how much I liked it.

I worked all weekend. Rather , I spent time in the lab helping others out. I worked because I am going on vacation later this month and frankly, I was getting bored at home.

I have a tendon injury and can’t run for a few days. That’s really frustrating. And now I am running out of ideas to write about. There is a mental sluggishness arising from a lack of exercise.

I am reading 4 books now. (multitasking is one of my assets).

Tuesdays with Morrie : overrated

Life of Pi: Brilliant

100 years of solitude: Good but an awesome soporific

Talk to the hand: Rubbish, incoherent blabber.

That’s my spiel, my ramblings about the last few days.

It is now time for me to hit the sack. A new week is about to begin.

1 comment:

nr said...

u = multitasking, yes, for those who know you, have known you and would know you. :)

write more, please.